in person

with John Markland

OCtober 14th - December 2nd

This session of character development and scene work will focus on freeing the sexy inside. There is a natural fire in all of us. It feels warm to the touch, but it can also burn with volcanic intensity. Sexy has an ease, confidence and presence that magnetically pulls all attention toward it. We sense when it’ s near, our heart rate accelerates, our breath quickens, our senses amplify,
and we jump into fight or flight.

How do we allow or invite this inner sexy to expose itself? Like an animal it requires an innate trust in its abilities and senses… it doesn’t need to trust the environment because it can react to anything in any moment. Their focus is sense driven, aware, relaxed, and curious - letting smell, touch, sound, and vibration inform, not anticipating but captivated in what is now… what is real.

There is body and breath work to deliver a sense of physical ease and gentle alertness. There is emotional and psychological work to create a safe, confident inner world. Then there are approaches that invite your silky, sensual, seductive heat to the surface allowing it to feel playful, uninhibited, and uncensored.

The blocks, fears, wounds, insecurities and feelings of shame or inadequacy long to be taken care of, to be reassured and set free. This class will hold their hand and bring relief to these parts allowing the courage to be all of you with a genuine passionate sensuality. It will affect every character you play going forward. You’ll feel your heat radiating in all directions.

The class will be 8 weeks. The earlier you start the further you can go.